Monday, April 13, 2015

15 Relationship Killers

15 Relationship Killers
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Here are 15 of the fastest ways to END a relationship.

The Past

The Past
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Anyone who lives in the past simply cannot move forward. Period. If your past is constantly being brought up and he/she is judging you based on your past, this relationship is doomed from the start. Successful couples always focus on the future not the past.

Too Much, Too Soon

Too Much, Too Soon
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Rushing a relationship to go faster than it actually is, is always a bad sign. A relationship isn't a race there are no trophies to win. Always go the speed of the relationship.


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Finances are certainly a driving factor in a relationship and it's one of the reasons couples get divorced.


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Addiction will affect almost every kind of relationship that you are involved in. For example, constantly being lied to, social media, smartphones, alcohol, drugs or rejected by someone you care because their addiction has taken over their lives, is not something that anyone should have to deal with!


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There are MANY things about our partners that annoy the hell out of us! Over time, these habits can become magnified until you're constantly aggravated. And that aggravation leads to the end of the relationship because partner just don't know HOW to communicate how they feel about the "little" things. Remember, nobody is perfect.


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Sometimes, we get TOO comfortable with our partners that we start to experience a lack of intimacy and a lack of adventure. A relationship doesn't have to be the most adventurous, but it shouldn't be boring when you are together either.


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Dating abuse and domestic violence are just two issues that of late, have opened many eyes when it comes to relationships. If you have to walk on egg shells when dealing with your partner, that is a sign that it's only going to get worse, not better. This is also a sign to leave the relationship immediately.


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A good relationship has a steady balance of time with each other, with friends and with family.

Opposite Goals

Opposite Goals
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If two people are chasing separate goals, this can really be disruptive. If one partner is concentrating on work while the other is concentrating on family, this can put a strain on the relationship.

Constant Arguments

Constant Arguments
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Arguments are bound to happen at some point in a relationship and some arguments are healthy, BUT when it is an everyday occurrence, it's a sign of deeper things happening within the relationship.


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Health of body and mind is necessary for a healthy relationship. When stress takes over your life, it takes over your relationship. Being able to communicate this to your partner is crucial is keeping the relationship going.

Social Media

Social Media
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This can lead to moments of jealously between nosy partners. If someone is checking up on your social media accounts without your knowledge, this is a bad omen for the rest of your relationship. If there is no trust, there is no relationship.


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An initial betrayal of finding out that a partner has cheated is often enough to end the relationship for good.


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Nothing is worse than telling someone that you love them when you don't or telling someone that you don't love them when you do! If you can't be honest with partners, then you really shouldn't be in a relationship until you can be.


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When you're a couple, you're a team. When someone else from the past gets involved from a previous relationship, this is a problem. A BIG one.

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