Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How To Talk To Girls

Some guys can be experts on lots of things, but still never know what to say to a girl. It is not all that difficult, it just requires what boils down to be normal human behavior. That said, if you want to break it down, here's a list of ways to approach a scenario that requires talking to a girl.

Say Hi

say hi
Start things off pretty simply and say hi. Try all the lines you like, if you need the attention, but simply saying "Hello" or some variation is a better start.

Be Funny

Be funny. Don't be obnoxious or go overboard with the jokes, but it is nice to laugh and having a nice conversation can easily come from keeping things a little funny.

Be Confident

be confident
Have confidence in yourself. You're just trying to talk to a girl, the world won't end if it's not the greatest conversation, but you know who you are and what makes you you, so have confidence as you speak.

Make Small Talk

small talk
You are there to talk, so talk. Making small talk is pretty simple groundwork to get the ball rolling if you want to keep talking to a girl. If it leads to deeper conversation, then great!

Think Before You Speak

This should go without saying, but not everyone does it. You're trying to talk to girls, well make sure you have something thought out first, rather than just blurting out some nonsense.

Keep Things Light

Keep the conversation light. You don't need to get into whose funeral you were just at or some disease your friend may have, just have a simple conversation that is not filled with heavy topics.

Don't Be Nervous

I've already mentioned confidence, well with that comes not being nervous. Don't worry too much, you're just talking. Be calm and don't be nervous.

Speak Up

speak up
Speak up. You don't need to yell, but mumbling is not going to help you talk to girls either. Annunciate a little more, make the effort to be clear in your speech. You know how to talk, so express yourself in a way that will have you be heard.

Compliment Her

Don't be afraid to compliment her. You are having a good time talking to a girl, let her know it by way of a nice compliment. You like getting them, so why not give one back?

Be A Little Mysterious

Don't evade, but being a little mysterious can help things out sometimes. Along with being confident, having a little bit of mystery behind your words can be a good way to continue stirring intrigue with the girl you are talking to.

Be Honest

While a little mystery is nice, don't be deceitful. Be honest with the girls you talk to. No need to lie, when there are other ways to be creative, without having to go to lower means.

Don't Brag

You are trying to talk to girls, not show off. It may be tempting to dive deep into your accomplishments, but keep it humble. It's nice to be a big deal in some way, but no one likes a showboat.

Let Her Talk

Let Her Talk
Getty Images
If you are talking to a girl, make sure she talks back. Don't hog the conversation, let her speak and be a good listener.

Know When To Leave

You don't have to ditch a conversation, but if you have talked and talked and now you have finished talking, let it go. Make a good exit and leave on a good note, but know when it is time to leave.

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